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Domain name feedback

Domain name feedback

DNS entry types, e-mail WHOIS privacy

Domain name feedback
04-29-2024 3:33:58 PM
DNS entry types, e-mail WHOIS privacy

I chose site.eu because both the provider and the NS entries are .eu and other European TLDs, and so far I'm very satisfied.

However, I would like to see more DNS entry types added, especially SMIMEA and OPENPGPKEY.

Other feature I would love to see is WHOIS privacy for the email address on the .eu TLD.

05-01-2024 9:56:58 PM


Thank you for writing your feedback in our customer forum!

I would like to see more DNS entry types added, especially SMIMEA and OPENPGPKEY.

We have discussed your feedback internally and today we created tasks for our development team to add support for 'SMIMEA' and 'OPENPGPKEY' to our DNS management interface.

Other feature I would love to see is WHOIS privacy for the email address on the .eu TLD.

I just checked the Policy on EURid.eu's website: https://eurid.eu/en/register-a-eu-domain/gdpr/

Please check the section as written here:

You may register a .eu domain name as an individual (or ‘natural person’) or as an organisation (legal entity). A ‘natural person’ is defined as an individual person acting without separate legal status, while an ‘organisation’ is generally understood as a legal entity or an individual acting with separate legal status or personality. The choice to identify either as an individual or an organisation belong to you, and has a consequence on the amount of information visible on the web-based WHOIS

It seems like there is no option to hide the domain name holder's email address in the EURid.eu whois.

05-02-2024 10:57:51 AM

Hello, thank youbfor taking additional DNS entries into consideration. Although S/MIME did not catch up as much as it had been anticipated, it's still welcome by institutions, or any providers where higher level of confidentiality is expected. PGP has a more technical, but popular userbase, and the more proofs (alongside Web Key Discovery, Keyoxide, signing parties), the better.

Regarding WHOIS, EURid also states that registries can grant the option to display a different WHOIS email address, which is indeed a possible entry field at "My .eu", and on the Statement of Holdership. I assume it could be a masking alias, eg "hashvalue@whois.site.eu", or "externalcustomerid@customer.site.eu", or something similar.

ARZ Host
03-01-2025 6:29:54 AM
Great choice with a .eu domain! Keeping everything within the European TLD ecosystem definitely has its benefits. Adding more DNS entry types like SMIMEA and OPENPGPKEY would be a huge plus for security and email encryption. Also, WHOIS privacy for email on .eu domains is something many would appreciate—data protection should be a priority!