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Site.eu feedback


I see that site.eu and cctlds are present on the default social platforms, but with the degradation of Xwitter, and the questionable practices of Meta, I think it would be prime time to expand into the Fediverse, primarily with Mastodon. My suggestion is running instances on social.site.tld, primarily for the company for PR communications, but also opening it up for registered customers as well, but closed for external registrants.

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I enjoy using site.eu, and my primary reason of choosing it was the .eu TLD. A lot of European IT is lost among the .com, .net, .io, and new TLDs like .cloud and others - not site.eu though, along with the ccTLDs as well. 1st idea: more site.ccTLDs, and deploying nameservers on all of them with European providers. 2nd idea: moving company infra (customer service, newsletters, etc) to European alternatives (although many of them use Amazon and/or Google and/or Microsoft, so it requires thorough research), or running self-hosted alternatives in-house. Please let me know if these ideas are something you could consider.

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